Warm Breath of Summer

Geraniums burst out of the terra cotta containers. These are also blocked in Flowers First, Leaves Last. There is a definite reason to work in that order. If the greens were painted first I would pick up some of that color on my brush when adding the reds, making them muddy. By blocking in the reds first and painting the foliage around the blossoms, the flowers remain bright and crisp.

Sweet Potato Vine tumbles out of the Geranium pot on the bench. The heart shaped leaves and shadows bring a subliminal touch of romance to the painting. You may click on this or any of the other images to see them larger.

The large blossoms of the Sunflowers are blocked in with mixes of Cadmium Yellow Medium + a bit of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson), Cadmium Yellow Medium + MUD + Cadmium Red Light and pure Cadmium Yellow Medium. 

After the leaves are painted with mixes of Pthalo Blue + Cadmium Orange + Cadmium Yellow Medium the large centers of the flowers are added. A mix of MUD + a dab of Sunflower color is used.

Zinnias snuggle up to the wrought iron bench in the lower right corner of the painting. The flowers are mixes of Magenta + Permanent Rose + White and Permanent Rose + White.

Warm Breath of Summer  14 inches x 14 inches

A few years ago Jack and I bought some dwarf Sunflower seeds. We knew they wouldn’t grow very tall but assumed the blossoms would also be smaller. NOT TRUE, the flowers were huge! How delightful to have those large, cheery blooms down lower where you could just feel the “Warm Breath of Summer” as you walked by! Check this out at Gallery 1870


9 Responses to “Warm Breath of Summer”

  1. Silvia Fedosejevs Says:

    Love it

    • Silvia Fedosejevs Says:

      You have made me go back to oils from acrylics but the odour does make me a bit ill even though I paint on the veranda in a sub tropical climate

      • Mikki Senkarik Says:

        Thank you for your kind words. I’m thrilled you made the switch to Oils. Why don’t you try Turpenoid Odorless Paint Thinner. My studio is set up in my living room, I use Turpenoid and don’t have any odors. I think you’ll like it. I tried the odorless thinner you can get at home improvement stores and it’s not the same. IT SMELLS! Hope this helps you. HAPPY PAINTING, Mikki

  2. Rose Herczeg Says:

    Oh, I love this, Mikki! It is just what I needed after such a long week of Irma. Almost cleaned up and will be back to normal soon! Hugs, Rose

  3. Bob Ragland Says:

    I would make a paperback book, if I were you. I saw your work in Taos. You are a QUEEN of Art. Bravo! YOU!!!!

  4. Bob Ragland Says:

    I have several Walter Foster art books. Soft Covers. Love them all.

    • Mikki Senkarik Says:

      Bob, Thank you for all of your wonderful comments. I grew up on Walter Foster art books and highly recommend them. I think they have absolutely the best book on perspective for artists that you can get. And their one on horses is great too. As is the book on drawing people. They gave me a great foundation. I appreciate you following my blog. HAPPY PAINTING, Mikki

  5. Bob Ragland Says:

    Your composition and POV is great to see. Art On!!!!!

  6. Kassia Says:

    We are excited to have this painting showcasing at Gallery 1870 in Yountville California! Thank you Mikki for sending us this original gem. You can check it out on our website at: https://www.gallery1870.com/products/warm-breath-of-summer

    Call us with questions about the painting at (800) 322-1870

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