Now for the Groom……

We’re ready to paint John. Here are the recipes for the colors I’m using for his skin tones. #1. Three combinations of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Cadmium Orange + Cerulean Blue + White #2. Several mixes in different proportions of MUD + Cadmium Orange + Cadmium Red Light + Alizarin Crimson + White.


One of the first things in painting the mouth is to establish the corners. This is very important in capturing your subject’s likeness. A mix of Alizarin Crimson + a touch of MUD is used to make the corners of John’s mouth.

In the original picture John’s shirt was light blue. I’ve decided to take artistic license and make it white. Shadows are mixed from White + MUD + a bit of Cadmium Orange + a little more Ultramarine Blue. The pure White where the sun illuminates John’s shoulder and collar adds a fresh crispness to their portrait.

It’s fun adding the highlights on the side of John’s face and nose. You may click on the picture if you’d like to see it larger.

One last thing, her grandmother told me Sara’s eyes are actually blue, the photo I had showed them greenish. A perfect example, you can’t always trust photos! So those green eyes are now blue! The surprise Wedding Gift is done. On August 19 Our Lord brought two hearts together as one. So I’ve decided to call this special portrait “One Heart”. I appreciate all of the help I’ve received from John and Sara’s families in making this project come together. What wonderful teamwork among the in-laws, Sara and John are a very fortunate couple to have such a supportive and loving team behind them. HUGS,

2 Responses to “Now for the Groom……”

  1. Ray Miller Says:


    I love to follow your painting demo’s, and you are teaching me a lot.

    Could you show one of you doing the drawing on the canvas?


    Ray Miller

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