Mother’s Love

FLIGHT SCHOOL by Mikki Senkarik

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Mothers are truly amazing; they are selfless and labor tirelessly to nurture their families. Walking a fine line between being watchful and protective of her beloved children, while teaching them to be independent and fly on their own. Moms pass on the Wisdom of Our Lord, giving her children His livelong Wind Beneath Their Wings. Juggling the multiple hats of being wife, parent, cook, chief procurement officer, teacher and childcare giver isn’t easy. It’s a full-time job in itself. Then many also work another job on top of being a Mom at home. A Mother’s Love is like that of no other.


Our God of Great Hope, we celebrate Mother’s Day with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

For those who gave birth this year – I praise new life and pray for rest. For those who lost a child – I mourn and pray for healing.

For those in the trenches with little ones – I pray for energy.

For those who experienced loss through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away – I pray for comfort and strength.

For those on the hard path of infertility – I pray for perseverance.

For foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms – I ask that their love may continually impact children.

For those with close relationships with their children – I pray they continue.

For those with disappointment, heartache, and distance from their children – I pray for relationship renewal.

For those who lost mothers – I pray for hope found only in the resurrection.

For those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood – I praise you for the courage you gave them.

For those single longing to marry and mother their own children – I pray that Your grace, O Lord, would guide them.

For stepmothers – I pray, O Lord, that you blend families together.

For single moms carrying a heavy parenting load – I pray for strength and perseverance.

For those who placed children up for adoption – I thank You, O Lord, that you put it on their heart to choose life.

For those pregnant with new life – I thank You, O Lord, for that wonderful blessing.

May Our Lord guide all of you with His Wisdom, as He fills you with His Strength, Patience and Peace. God Bless You!

THANK YOU to the AWESOME MOMS in my Team Senkarik Family for your Love, Dedication and Hard Work. Sending you a Big, Well Deserved HUG, full of my LOVE!


© Senkarik 2024

2 Responses to “Mother’s Love”

  1. Patricia Ann Ingram Says:

    Your Mother’s Day Prayer was just outstanding! Thank You and I hope Mother’s Day was a joy for you as well! May God Bless

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