Horse Anatomy I

Horse Anatomy - Points

From birds to horses! Many of my readers have asked about painting horses. When Jack started teaching me to work with oils the first thing he said was, “Paint what you know.” I loved and had grown up with horses, it was only natural I paint these beautiful animals. I knew all the parts of the horse by heart.

Horse Anatomy - Head Lengths

In painting and sculpting proportions are essential in capturing the essence of a horse. Someone may not know much about them but they know if your horse looks right or not. Using the length of the horse’s head is a true way to get the proportions of the horse on your canvas or armature correct. The drawing above shows how the length of the animal’s head relates to the different points on his body.  The smaller drawing illustrates how the head is divided into 4 quarters, based on the shape of the skull.

Horse Anatomy - Size comparison

Since many artists combine people with horses the chart above gives the relative proportions of the two.

Horse Anatomy - Skeleton

As Jack and I traveled the United States visiting various horse breeders we found ourselves stopping at the Kentucky Horse Park time and time again. The people are wonderful and the facilities incredible. This series of drawings is used for teaching purposes in their Equine Management Program. I will show more in tomorrow’s post. Please feel free to print any of these out, I’ve published them for you to use as reference. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Mikki Senkarik

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13 Responses to “Horse Anatomy I”

  1. Mary duncan Says:

    OMG Mikki !!! I have painted one horse and struggled !! Thank you for the diagrams !! Mary D


    Thank you for this useful information are written on.

  3. Noreens iPad Says:

    Thank you Mikki


    Carol Fox : Sent from my iPad

  4. Says:

    Many thanks for this post, Mikki!

  5. Leanne Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. Your generosity is very appreciated 🙂

  6. Soli Says:

    ohhh thank you so much, I was looking for horse display, thank you agai God bless !

  7. Cheryl Scott Says:

    Perfect timing!! Really needed this information just now!

  8. sajjad ahmad Says:

    wonderfull skill

  9. Diagrama esqueleto | Guia Equina Says:

    […] segun la raza. Queremos compartir con ustedes hoy un diagrama del esqueleto equino, creacion de Mikki Senkarik.  En este podemos apreciar el sistema oseo, incluyendo el area lumbar con diferenciacion por […]

  10. Dianna L. McPhail Says:

    this is so great. I always wondered about the ribs…..

  11. eduardo carreon Says:

    muchas gracias por esta informacion, me ha sido muy util paa mi trabajo, saludos desde la ciudad de gomez palacio, estado de durango , en MEXICO

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