Hill Country Barn

My Texas Gallery in Wimberley needs a piece to replace one that recently sold. There are lots of old barns in the Hill Country and I love painting them. My basic plan has been sketched up on the blank canvas in a thin oil wash of MUD (2 parts Ultramarine Blue + 1 part Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin Original.

Please feel free to click on any image to view it larger.

A few clouds lazily float in the sky on this bright sunny day. A rock tank is built at the base of the windmill that pumps cool, fresh water for the longhorn cattle and horses grazing, out of sight, on the other side of the hill.

The Windmill is drawn into the wet paint of the tree and sky behind it with the same thin oil wash mixture used in the first step to sketch the basic plan on the canvas.

Nothing says “THIS Barn is a TEXAS Barn” more than our beautiful Lone Star Flag on the roof! With the two different sloped surfaces, the hardest part is getting the perspective on the star correct.

Mixes of Ultramarine Blue + MUD + White and Ultramarine Blue + White are used for the Bluebonnets. When blocking them in I work carefully around the Cardinal that was previously sketched up with a thin oil wash of Alizarin Crimson + Liquin Original. Moving closer to the foreground, you can see where I’ve begun to introduce some Magenta + White flowers into the field. I’ll show more of them in our next session.

I’ve let a glimpse of the road that goes up to the barn peek through the Bluebonnets. There’s lots more to paint. Hope you’ll come back and follow the progress at my On-Line Studio!

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THANK YOU! With Colorful Smiles,


© Senkarik 2024


2 Responses to “Hill Country Barn”

  1. Ramona Jones Says:

    Mikki; I love that you painted the cardinal first, as if that little one was watching as you created. Mona Jones

  2. Mikki Senkarik Says:

    Thank you, Mona! I still have a few little touches to add to Mr. Chippers but I hope he has enjoyed watching this all come together. With Big Hugs to you, Mikki

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