Tapestry of Spring

Tall, lanky Penstemmon sends up fiery spires over the rocks. The darkest parts of the blossoms are blocked in with mixtures of Alizarin Crimson + a touch of White and Cadmium Red Deep. Don’t forget, you may click on any of images to see them larger.

The foliage is made of combinations of Pthalo Blue + Cadmium Orange + White. Brushstrokes of Pthalo Blue + a tiny bit of White are added in the darkest areas of the leaves, bringing extra coolness to the shadows.

Petals shimmering in the sun are highlighted with pure Cadmium Red Light and Cadmium Red Light + White. The corner of my Bright (square) brush is used to make the long, tubular flowers.

TALKIN’ VIDEO.…Painting the Yellow Coreopsis nestled at the base of the Penstemmon.

PART II of Painting the Coreopsis

Mixtures of Cadmium Red Deep + Cadmium Red Medium, Cadmium Red Medium + Cadmium Orange and Cadmium Red Light make the African Daisies. The leaves are combinations of Pthalo Blue + Lemon Yellow. Light, as well as the stream, flows into the painting from the right side of the canvas. The brightness sliding in behind the dark clump of flowers helps to give the impression of depth in the painting.

TALKIN’ VIDEO.….The three step process of adding centers to the African Daisies.

Tapestry of Spring     24″ x 30″

TA DA! We’re done! Can’t you just hear the music of the water tumbling over the rocks and birds happily singing away in the trees back by the cabin? Wonder what’s for supper! Something’s cooking inside, you can see the smoke rising from the chimney. Is that a waft of Texas Barbeque in the gentle breeze? Let’s walk back through the Tapestry of Spring Wildflowers and go see! With Colorful Smiles and Hugs, 

4 Responses to “Tapestry of Spring”

  1. Jeana Says:

    Gorgeously done

  2. Kathy Kincer Says:

    Mikki, the painting is beautiful. No matter where life takes us, grateful for this reminder of you. Can’t wait to hang it in my home. Thank you Kathy

  3. Ray Dane Says:

    This is great. I just love it.

  4. Alice Cox Says:

    Hi Mikki, your new website design is so fresh and appealing and well done!

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