Devil’s Red and Royal Blue

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Now let’s begin work on Citation, the rich blood bay colt. For 25 years, his name was synonymous with an achievement that seemed unattainable. Every year as the Kentucky Derby approached we’d hear sportscasters saying, ” _____ is trying to become the first horse to win the Triple Crown since Citation won in 1948.” It went on, year after year. During that time five presidents occupied the White House. Horses would win the Derby and Preakness, but falter in the Belmont Stakes. When Secretariat finally achieved the seemingly unreachable accomplishment, the long drought only emphasized the brilliance of Citation’s Triple Crown victory. Citation went on to become the first millionaire in the horse racing world.

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Throwing his head in excitement and rolling his eyes, Citation knows he’ll be on the track soon.

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Devil’s Red and Royal Blue, the colors of the famed Calumet Stables. Mixtures of Cadmium Red Deep + Magenta are used for the shadows while Cadmium Red Medium makes the lighter portion of the jockey’s silks. Cadmium Red Light is reserved for the highlights of the soft fabric shimmering in the sun.

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A less intense Red mixed of Alizarin Crimson + Magenta + White is used for the saddle blankets and the covers the grooms wear.

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Citation’s groom has to jog to keep up with the fiesty colt. He sports the number 4 that was on his saddle blanket when he won the Belmont Stakes, the final leg of the Triple Crown. The day had dawned clear and the track was fast. Citation’s jockey Eddie Arcaro said, “The only way I can lose this race is if I fall off my horse.” That almost happened when Citation stumbled out of the gate, nearly throwing Arcaro!

You’ll enjoy this short VIDEO on Citation that shows all three races of the Triple Crown. Make sure to watch the start of the Belmont…’ll see the stumble that almost snatched the race away from Citation. It would have prevented him from becoming the eighth Triple Crown winner. Hugs,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG

2 Responses to “Devil’s Red and Royal Blue”

  1. TheDailyPainter Says:

    I’m loving this painting, being a long-time Secretariat fan.

    I hate to do this, but there is a bit of an inaccuracy in your post today and in the painting. Citation did not wear the 4 at Belmont. He wore 1A because he was coupled with Coaltown, who was scratched before the race. Citation wore number 4 at the Preakness and number 1 at the Derby.

    • Mikki Senkarik Says:

      OPPPS, Thank you. I watched the video of Citation winning the Belmont several times and was so caught up in the magical beauty of his smooth run I totally missed the number. DUHHHHHH! You are so right. My readers are wonderful, keeping me straight. And believe me, I need all the help I can get. Hugs, Mikki

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