Archive for June, 2018

A Huge S-T-R-E-T-C-H

June 29, 2018

This commission is completely different from my regular voice. My collector asked if I could paint lily pads with some koi fish. Michael said, “I would like to feel like I’m standing on a bridge looking directly down into the water.” So…….here’s my sketch. This piece is going to be a HUGE S-T-R-E-T-C-H for me!

The painting is going to be done in the gallery wrap style with the image extending on to the sides of the 36 inch by 48 inch canvas. To make it easier to handle I first paint the sides with Alkyd, a fast drying oil paint in the mixtures I’ll use for the water. The three shades are combinations of Ultramarine Blue + Ivory Black + White.

The painting is attached to cardboard but my sheet is only 40 inches x 48 inches. It leaves me a couple of inches on the top and bottom but is flush with the edge of the canvas on the sides. By going ahead and painting all four sides with the quick drying Alkyd oil paint I won’t have to worry about messing up the water on the edges. I’ll be able to avoid the fish and lily pads that go over, on to the sides, when moving the painting.

Sides are covered! Notice I’ve extended the quick drying color several inches in, all the way around the canvas. This will make it easier to match and continue the color of the water on the rest of the painting. To begin sketching the basic plan I establish the gracefully curved spines of the fish.

Using thin oil washes made of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin the anatomy of the koi is constructed around their backbones.

OK……Fish are drawn in. Lily Pads are the next step….

Reference images are on my laptop, which is placed within easy view on the taboret next to the easel. Please remember as you read through my blog, you may click on this or any of the other images to see them larger.

The canvas can be lowered in order to work on the top edge. The lily pads are basically circles and ovals with a triangular split. They kind of look like the very first Pac-Man games, except they won’t be yellow!

The basic shapes of the Water Lily Flowers are drawn in next.

We’ve got our basic plan all sketched up. Painting begins in the next session. I’ll have to figure out exactly how I’m going to approach this one! Hope you’ll come watch. If you would like to receive an email every time I publish a new post please feel free to subscribe to my blog. CLICK THIS LINK and scroll to the upper right side of the page. You will see a heading EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Just enter your email address and click the button “Sign me up!”  It’s easy. And if you enjoy my blog please CLICK the FaceBook LIKE Button. As we say in Texas, “Much Obliged!Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG



Santorini Song

June 25, 2018

After painting the wall of the foreground building work begins on the Windows. They are painting with several shades of Cobalt Blue + White. Please keep in mind as you read my blog, you may click on any of the images to enlarge them.

Windows DONE! Whew! Had to hold my breath painting those straight lines. Fortunately it is much easier to make up and down lines straight than horizontal ones! Now for the flowers on the window sill….

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Angelonia and Nasturtiums Part 1

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Angelonia and Nasturtiums Part 2

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Angelonia and Nasturtiums Part 3

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Angelonia and Nasturtiums Part 4

The Geraniums are next. The blooms are blocked in with mixes of Cadmium Red Deep + Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Deep and Cadmium Red Light.

After the foliage of the Geraniums is painted with mixtures of Pthalo Blue + Lemon Yellow I begin on the Sweet Potato Vine draping down. The heart shaped leaves, made of Pthalo Blue + Lemon Yellow + Cadmium Yellow Medium + a touch of Cadmium Orange, bring a touch of romance to the piece.

Let’s step back and check out the finished painting. BUT WAIT….we’re not quite complete yet. I don’t care for the starkness of the long wall below the yellow umbrella.

So, we’ll just grow some Trumpet Vine and allow it to cascade down the white stucco expanse!

Santorini Song  38 inches by 38 inches

Now, that’s much better. What do you think? The soft swoop of the windmill, the gentle breeze rustling the bright Bougainvillea over the window and the surf crashing far below, all play a “Santorini Song”! I appreciate you following along! With BIG HUGS,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG



Windmill and Terrace

June 23, 2018


VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Windmill

The Pink Bougainvillea by the windmill is painted with mixtures of Permanent Rose + Magenta + White. This makes a cooler pink that will fall back, into the distance. The brighter, warmer and more intense pinks of the Bougainvillea over the window make it come forward. Please remember as you read through my blog, you may click on any of the images to view them larger.

The walls lining the terraces and steps are painted with cool greys made of White + MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + more Ultramarine Blue. The top edges of the walls are highlighted with White + a teensy touch of Ultramarine Blue.

If you’ve never been to Santorini be prepared to do A LOT of step climbing. Make sure to wear comfortable, well broken-in shoes. This is not the place to be fashionable, in stiletto heeled pumps or brand new shoes! It’s amazing watching the locals, some of them really up there in years, ascending the steps without even breathing hard! To paint the steps I first cover the entire surface with mixes of MUD + Ultramarine Blue + Cadmium Orange + White. Those farthest away are made cooler, or bluer, so they recede. Then the risers are drawn into the wet paint with a darker mix of MUD + Ultramarine Blue + a bit of Cadmium Orange + a tiny touch of White.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Yellow Umbrella.

The vista of the Santorini hillside is complete. We’ll construct the building and window, as well as do some planting, in our next session. Would love for you to grab some gloves and come give me a hand! With Colorful Smiles and Big HUGS,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


Sky and Surf

June 21, 2018

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Sky and Bluffs

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Poles of the Windmill


After completing the sky and surf, work begins on the rocky bluff below the windmill and terrace.

While the sky is still wet I want to paint the Bougainvillea draping over the outside of the window. The recipes for my color mixtures are: #1. Alizarin Crimson + Permanent Rose + a tiny bit of White. #2. Permanent Rose + White. #3. Permanent Rose + Cadmium Red Light + White. #4. White + Permanent Rose. #5. Pthalo Blue + Liquin. #6. Two shades of Viridian Green + Cadmium Yellow Medium. #7. Pthalo Blue + White.

The Bougainvilleas are blocked in using my usual sequence of “Flowers First, Leaves Last”.  After painting the bright masses of colorful bracts, the leaves are painted in and around the pinks, helping to shape the blooms.

We’ve gotten a great start on the background scene, we’ll tackle the windmill, the terrace and all those steps in our next session. Hope you’ll come watch! AND PLEASE…..always feel free to ask questions. With Colorful Smiles and Big Hugs,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


To Greece We Go!

June 19, 2018

Beginning a new commission today and we’re going to Greece! Santorini to be exact, here’s my sketch. You may click on the image to see it larger. This piece will hang in my collector’s kitchen on a wall adjacent to where another of my paintings of Greece resides. Marilyn will be able to stand at her kitchen sink and be magically transported to one of her favorite places. If you would like to see the blog on her companion painting, “Endless Beauty” CLICK HERE.

Drawing the windows is the first step in transferring the plan to the canvas. It is sketched with a brush dipped in a thin oil wash of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin. I’m pointing to the vanishing point on the horizon line that will determine the perspective. Using the straight edge of the T-square allows me to establish the upper and lower angles of the windows.

The outside of the windows are done! Now, let’s get to work finishing them up.

After filling the window sill with flower posts, the same vanishing point is used to draw the muntins or grille of the windows.

In the background we decided to include one of Santorini’s distinctive windmills.

I thought it would be fun to add an umbrella, table and chairs on the terrace below the windmill!

We’re all sketched up and ready to begin painting in our next session. I do hope you’ll come follow along! If you would like to receive an email every time I publish a new post please feel free to subscribe to my blog. CLICK THIS LINK and scroll to the upper right side of the page. You will see a heading EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Just enter your email address and click the button “Sign me up!”  It’s easy. And if you enjoy my blog please CLICK the FaceBook LIKE Button. As we say in Texas, “Much Obliged!Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


Of One Heart

June 18, 2018


VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Intertwining Hearts on the Fountain. The design represents the hearts of Karissa and Micah, brought together as ONE in God’s Word.

Now for the courtyard floor. The entire surface is first covered, establishing the light and shadow patterns. Then, perspective lines are drawn into the wet paint with a fine liner brushed dipped in a thin mixture of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin. Please remember as you read through my blog, you may click on this picture or any of the other images to see them enlarged.

Next, the horizontal lines separating the individual tiles are delineated.

Geraniums fill the containers nestled at the base of the fountain. The bright blossoms are mixes of Cadmium Red Deep + Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Deep and Cadmium Red Light. Leaves are made of Pthalo Blue + Lemon Yellow.

The cascading water is pulled, straight down, over the sides of the fountain. I let the brush skip a little while dragging it downward. The uneven texture helps to give the impression of moving water.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Blue Delphiniums.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Now for the Orchids that were also part of the Bride’s Bouquet!

Of One Heart

We’re done! Now all that’s left to do is present the piece to Karissa and Micah. What a great time we’ve had playing “Super Sleuth” to discover the little personal details without giving the surprise away! Commissions like this are especially fun to do because a painting is a gift that keeps on giving, bringing smiles for years to come. AND thanks for your wonderful comments, my readers are the BEST! With BIG HUGS,Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG



June 17, 2018

To all of you wonderful Fathers on Team Senkarik, thank you for the many special moments you’ve shared with your kids. For new trades you’ve learned fixing bicycles and other broken toys. For showing your daughter how to tend roses. For teaching your son to throw a knuckle ball. For gently wiping tears, bandaging cut fingers and rubbing ice on bruised knees. For all the splinters in your backside from sitting on bleachers at sports events in all kinds of weather. For jumping in as a father figure to someone desperately in need of an upstanding role model. For always being there for your little ones who seem to grow up all too quickly. It’s funny how it works, but these tiny acts of love are the memories we all treasure in our hearts forever!



I’m with Collectors Mitch, Lynn, Allison, Baby Cooper and Derek at my Annual Collector Event in 2017


Don’t forget, I’ll have my Annual Show and Collector Event at the Santa Fe Art Collector Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 31 and September 1. I do hope you’ll come join in the laughter and festivities. It is always LOADS OF FUN! Plus, I’d love to give you a big hug and personally thank you for being a member of Team Senkarik. CLICK HERE for more details, RSVP Information and lots of pictures from last year’s Gala! With BIG Internet HUGS,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


A Wedding Surprise

June 14, 2018

Today I’m starting another surprise painting, this one a wedding present. The ceremony was in California and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Morro Bay. The person giving the gift is in Texas and was unable to attend the wedding but did watch the live video feed the couple shared on Facebook. Jack and I used to live in Cayucos, about 5 miles from Morro Bay so I have lots of great pictures. What a wonderful place for a honeymoon, they even went to SLO (San Luis Obispo) for the Thursday evening Farmers’ Market. I REALLY miss that, the fresh fruits, vegetables and street entertainment were incredible. Working on this painting brings many happy memories. The basic plan is sketched up on canvas with a brush dipped in a thin oil wash of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin. Now I’m ready to begin applying color…..

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Sky and Morro Rock

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Beach and Waves of Morro Bay

Several elements specifically for the couple are added to the piece. Their initials and wedding date are “Carved” into the trunk of the Bougainvillea.

The Bougainvillea is painted in my usual sequence of Flowers First, Leaves Last. #1 shows the bright pink bracts that have been blocked in with mixes of Permanent Rose + White. Then #2, the foliage is painted around the pinks helping to shape the blooms. Leaves are various mixtures of Viridian Green + Cadmium Yellow Medium.

As part of the wedding ceremony the couple lit a “Unity Candle”, so definitely had to include that in their painting!

That’s all for this session! Speaking of surprises, several of you have asked how my collectors liked the painting of their dog, HOBO. Well, Bryan was totally shocked and thrilled with all the special little touches we added. It was a HOME RUN!  CLICK HERE if you’d like to see my Blog post with the finished image of the portrait.

By the way, If you would like to receive an email every time I publish a new post please feel free to subscribe to my blog. CLICK THIS LINK and scroll to the upper right side of the page. You will see a heading EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Just enter your email address and click the button “Sign me up!”  It’s easy. And if you enjoy my blog please CLICK the FaceBook LIKE Button. As we say in Texas, “Much Obliged!Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


Tuscan Hide Away

June 11, 2018

I had originally planned to plant the Black Eye Susans in the square container next to the wine barrel wagon. But the cheerful yellow flowers will look better against the door. The flowers are blocked in first, then the foliage is painted around the masses of yellow. The greens are used to shape the blossoms. Dark centers are added with a mix of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Liquin.

Since the Black Eye Susans took their place next to the door, the Pink Poppies are planted in the square container. The large blooms are painted with mixes of Permanent Rose + White while the leaves are Pthalo Blue + Cadmium Yellow Medium.

Nasturtiums cascade out of the hanging basket to the left of the door. It’s fun painting the round leaves. I can just give my square tipped “Bright” brush a twist and Presto…..a round leaf appears! These are made of Ultramarine Blue + Cadmium Yellow Medium.

Magenta Petunias fill the remaining terra cotta containers. They are blocked in with my usual sequence of Flowers First, Leaves Last. The ones on the left show the first step, on the right I’m adding the foliage.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the cute little White Kitty curled up on the window sill.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Bengal Kitty

Tuscan Hide Away    14 inches x 14 inches

We’re DONE! A “Tuscan Hide Away”, complete with a couple of sweet Purr Babies, is ready to head for its new home! Thank you for watching. I hope you’ve had as much fun following along as I’ve had painting! I appreciate all of you and please remember, feel free to ask questions! With BIG HUGS,Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG


Pumpkins in a Wine Barrel Wagon

June 9, 2018

There’s a lotta Terra Cotta Pots in this piece! All are painted with combinations in varying proportions of MUD (Ultramarine Blue + Alizarin Crimson) + Cadmium Orange + a touch of Cadmium Red Light + White.

Mixes of MUD + Cadmium Orange + a tiny bit of Pthalo Blue + White are used for the tile floor. First the entire surface is covered, establishing the light and shadows. Brushstrokes of Ultramarine Blue + White are made at the back part of the shadow and under the wagon to add coolness.

Next, perspective lines are drawn into the wet paint with a fine liner brush dipped in a mix of MUD + Liquin.

Then the horizontal lines separating the individual tiles are drawn.

Highlighting the edges of the tiles illuminated by the sun completes the floor. I go ahead and sign the painting now, it’s easier to make my signature into the wet paint. If I waited until later the paint would be dry, it would be very difficult to make the calligraphy smooth.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Wine Barrel Wagon Part 1

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Painting the Wine Barrel Wagon Part 2

The Pumpkins are painted with mixes of Cadmium Orange + White. Also a little bit of green made with Ultramarine Blue + Lemon Yellow is added into some of the mixtures. MUD + Cadmium Orange is used for the shadows. Some of the Turquoise Blue from the wagon reflects up, on to the Pumpkins.

We’re going to be planting flowers in our next session. Why don’t you grab some gardening gloves and a trowel and come give me a hand? HUGS,

Mikki Senkarik signature JPEG